Mark Hünken

Dr. Mark Hünken MBA

After my studies of biology (Diploma) with focus on marine biology in Bremen I Did my PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) researching the role of epiphytic bacteria on the Antarctic ice-diatom Apmpiprora kufferthii. Thereafter, I started a postdoc position at the Ludwig-Maximilien-University of Munich. There I did research on protein transport in chloroplasts.


Since 2022 I am leaing the product develoment department at Tecan-IBL in Hamburg. Here we do development and improvement of products based on enzyme linked immonosorbent assays (ELISA) and liquid choromatography linked mass spectrometry (LC-MS). We are also always lookng for new technologies and methods improving our assays.

If you want to contact me, please use one of these platforms:
